Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding training is an important part of keeping children safe. Ensuring your team are trained to recognise, respond and refer concerns relating to the safety of children is imperative.
All adults working with children should attend safeguarding training as stated in the HM Government guidance "Working Together to Safeguard Children" 2023 and DFE guidance "Keeping Children Safe in Education" 2024.
Below are some of the more popular sessions that can be booked and all training can be planned to reflect your organisational priorities. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements or if you have any queries regarding possible training.
Whole Organisation Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding training is essential for all professionals working with children. Any training commissioned for your organisation will be in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education- DfE and Working Together to Safeguard Children- HM Government.
Throughout the training, learners will have the opportunity to share good practice, learn lessons from serious case reviews and hear about the latest research. Additional areas covered in the training are likely to include:
Categories of abuse
Signs and indicators of abuse
Specific safeguarding topics such as, radicalisation and extremism, peer on peer abuse, criminal exploitation, domestic abuse and safeguarding the needs of children with special educational needs etc.
Early Help and the Continuum of Need- based on your location
What to do if you suspect child abuse
These sessions can be delivered as a half day or full day course. However, details and your individual requirements can be discussed when booking.
Governor Training
As the safeguarding demands on schools increase, so does the pressure on Governors to ensure that schools are meeting statutory requirements. Governor specific training will provide governors with the latest statutory information and requirements of safeguarding and Ofsted expectations. Governors will understand the expectations placed on them through their role. Governors training will cover practical ways that the governing body can effectively discharge their safeguarding duties and how to robustly monitor the implementation of effective safeguarding arrangements in their school.
Training will usually cover the following:
Roles and responsibilities of Governors, Head Teachers and Designated Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Effective Monitoring and Link Visits
Safeguarding specific topics
Information on local safeguarding partnership boards
The average time taken to deliver Governor training is two and half hours. However, details can be discussed when booking.
Safer Recruitment Training
The Safer Recruitment training offered is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. This course is 1 day.
From 1st January 2010 it has been a statutory requirement for at least one member of any selection panel appointing a person to work in a school (where the School Staffing Regulations apply) to have been properly trained in safer recruitment.
The duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children is stated in the Children Act 1989. In addition, many children’s service providers must comply with the Children Act 2004, particularly s11 which includes ensuring that unsuitable people are not employed to work with children.
From a vulnerable adults’ perspective, the principles of the Care Act 2014 - borne out of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 - include that organisations providing social services, including housing providers, should have in place a number of arrangements as part of their duty to safeguard service users. In relation to safer recruitment, these arrangements are intended to minimise the risk of employing unsuitable staff to work with and care for adults by having robust selection and recruitment procedures in place and by following best practice.
The aims of the training are to:
Give participants an awareness and understanding of offender behaviour.
Identify the key features of staff recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people.
Consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting.
Explore the elements that contribute to an ongoing culture of vigilance.
Help participants begin to review their own and their organisation’s policies and practices with a view to making them safer.
Safeguarding Briefings & Specific Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding briefings are available on a range of specific safeguarding issues and are designed to upskill all professionals working with children. Briefings are short sessions usually around 1 hour, which is suitable for a staff meeting or professional development meeting. Equally, safeguarding specific issues can be planned into full or half day training sessions, dependant on your requirements.
Various topics are available, below is a non-exhaustive list of potential topics that can be delivered.
Topics which can be delivered:
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Criminal Exploitation, Gangs and County Lines
Online Safety for children and professionals
Radicalisation and extremism (PREVENT)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Children
Forced Marriage and so called “honour based violence”
Domestic Abuse
Safer Working Practices
Trauma Informed Practices and Ways of Working
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Peer on Peer Abuse
Record Keeping and Information Sharing
Understanding the SCR
Lead Practitioner Training such as Designated Safeguarding Lead